AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Going Infinite In a Finite World

A year ago, a fast-rising crypto trading company, FTX, with a splashy office in the Bahamas, failed spectacularly. I just finished reading an intriguing book called Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon by the always intriguing author, Michael Lewis. The book takes a deep dive into FTX and its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried.   Some of ...

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Reciprocating Compressors and Modeling Approaches

The release of AFT xStream 3 brings with it reciprocating compressors for your gas transient models! Positive displacement compressors now have two subtypes: fixed flow rate for a steady mass or volumetric flow rate, as was present previously, and the all-new reciprocating compressor option. The reciprocating compressor model is for compressors in ...

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Compressor Maps

A Compressor Map in AFT Arrow allows you to more accurately model the full range of operating conditions for a Centrifugal Compressor junction. AFT recognized the need for this specific feature from customers via support requests and consulting projects. Well, good news…this capability is here! The featu...

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AFT Arrow & AFT xStream New Features Coming Soon

We recently discussed the new features coming out in AFT Fathom 13 and AFT Impulse 10. Now let's talk about the compressible gas and steam side of the product launches.  You may be more familiar with AFT Fathom, as it is our flagship incompressible steady state analysis product. AFT Arrow is its counterpart for compressible steady st...

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New Features Coming Soon to AFT Fathom & AFT Impulse

We've been working hard to bring users a wide range of functions from more intuitive menus and interfaces to new ways to present model data. In total, there are more than 25 new features and enhancements that will be released in the coming months. While all four of our primary products will be released very closely together, below is the list for A...

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AFT 30 Years Ago and Today

September 14. That is the day I consider to be AFT's official birthday. In 1993 I resigned from my job in the power industry and started working on AFT Fathom 1.0 full-time that day. Thirty years ago today I was assembling a business plan and figuring out how I could finance the founding of AFT. I have found myself reflecting a lot this year – on A...

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  468 Hits

My Recent Visit With Newton and Galileo

I suspect Europeans who live near world history sites just accept this as normal. For a backwater American like me, it is amazing to come across the final resting places of Isaac Newton and Galileo. I recently had that privilege in London and Florence. On my 60th birthday in early April, I had the privilege of visiting Westminster Abbey. Among the ...

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