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New Features Coming Soon to AFT Fathom & AFT Impulse

We've been working hard to bring users a wide range of functions from more intuitive menus and interfaces to new ways to present model data. In total, there are more than 25 new features and enhancements that will be released in the coming months.

While all four of our primary products will be released very closely together, below is the list for AFT Fathom 13 and AFT Impulse 10, which are our liquid steady state and waterhammer analysis products.

Be on the lookout for the Launch of both of these products as well as their respective Documentation websites that will provide full details and examples. 

Top 5 Features you will see in BOTH products: 

1. Workspace Layers

The most significant change is the introduction of Workspace Layers. Layers allow for greater control and creativity of the Workspace's visual aspects. This will replace the Visual Report window that could only display input or output data individually. With Layers, both input and output can be displayed simultaneously. Color maps based on pipe dimensions or flow properties are still retained but instead of being scenario-specific, they are globally defined and then applied to the desired scenario. The dynamic combination of unique Layers offers an incredibly flexible framework, allowing you to display precisely what you desire on the Workspace. You can easily toggle the visibility of individual layers on or off, and the state of all Layers can be saved to a Layer Preset for future use.

2. 4-Component Slurry Model [Settling Slurry]

The 4-Component Slurry Model introduces a division of slurry solids into four distinct groups, or components, based on the particle size distribution. Each component corresponds to a specific slurry behavior: Carrier Fluid, Pseudo-homogeneous, Heterogeneous, or Fully Stratified.

Unlike simpler models that account for only one or two slurry regimes, the Four Component model greatly enhances modeling flexibility by automatically determining the effects contributed by each component regime. The model was developed by industry-leading experts and is respected for its accuracy in part because the individual components are based on well-established sub-models.

The Four Component Slurry model offers a comprehensive and advanced approach to slurry modeling, enabling more accurate and detailed analysis of slurry behavior in various particle size distributions.

3. The Design Alert Manager Has Been Redesigned

The Design Alert Manager has been reorganized to improve the process of creating and applying user-defined alerts. Now, you can effortlessly create or edit a Design Alert with just a few clicks. As you modify settings, you will immediately see the criteria you are applying, ensuring a transparent experience. We have also reduced the amount of text on the form while ensuring grammatical clarity. These improvements aim to make it easier for you to understand the limits you are placing on your design.

4. The Valve Properties Window Has Been Redesigned

The new Valve Window greatly enhances clarity and usability when it comes to modeling valves. The window now clearly distinguishes between different data sources such as User Specified, Characteristic, or Handbook, making it easier to understand the available options. The form has been streamlined to focus on the most essential data, providing a clear understanding of what is required to define a valve accurately.

Valve Characteristics, represented by an Open Percent vs. Flow Coefficient table, have been brought front and center. While using a Characteristic is optional, it is highly recommended as it ensures that the valve behavior aligns with real-world scenarios, particularly for valve transients. We have simplified the process of selecting a pre-defined Characteristic Source, which helps you obtain more accurate values in case manufacturer data is unavailable.

5. Distinguish Your Custom Fluids

Finding your custom fluid entries just got easier. Users are familiar with the four main fluid databases: Standard Database, NIST REFPROP, ASME Steam/Water tables, and Chempak. However, there are times when custom, or proprietary, fluids are being modeled. Custom fluids have traditionally been located within the AFT Standard database. Now, you can simply use the new database option "User Library Fluid" to enter user-created fluids. Adding fluids still functions the same way, but now it should be easier to differentiate where they are. Don't forget: any User Defined Fluid included in a Fluid Library can be exported to colleagues for better team productivity and accuracy. 

Specific to AFT Impulse 10

Retain Partial Transient Output

AFT employees who work with AFT Impulse daily are very excited about this new feature! Engineers can now access and analyze the results up to the point where the simulation was interrupted, just like regular results. This means, that if the simulation is stopped - by the user or an error – the software will show the transient results up to that point.

This eliminates a lot of guesswork involved in interpreting system behavior when it deviates from expectations, particularly when troubleshooting simulation errors. For instance, if a simulation encounters difficulties in converging on a pump solution due to factors like reverse flow or unexpected cavitation, the availability of partial output enables you to quickly identify these situations. You can then take appropriate corrective measures or provide our Support Team with detailed information to expedite problem resolution.

Transient Checkpoints

Transient Checkpoints enable you to save the state of a transient simulation at any given point and resume it later from that exact point. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to pause a simulation temporarily to provide access to another user or when unexpected interruptions, such as system updates, occur during the simulation.

This feature also allows for the extension of a transient run. If you have ever experienced the frustration of waiting for results only to realize that you should have run the simulation for a slightly longer duration, this feature provides a solution. Instead of rerunning the entire simulation, you can simply extend an existing run by leveraging the automatically created Transient Checkpoints.

AFT Fathom 13 Additional Features

 Other features to look forward to:

  • Custom Junction Icons
  • Isometric Freeform Drawing
  • New Annotations
  • Set Workspace Print Area
  • Customize Graph From Workspace Options

Modeling Additions and Improvements
  • Laminar Corrections Improvements
  • Prevent Backflow at Sprays
  • Zero-Length Connector Improvements

New/Improved Output Parameters and Messages
  • Pump RPM Output Parameter
  • Dimensionless Heat Transfer Output Parameters
  • Deep Laminar Caution
  • POR/AOR in Pump Summary
  • Events Messages in New Format
  • XTS Module Tank Overflow and Drain Warnings

Improved Importing of PCF, EPANET, GIS, and CAESAR II models

  • Import Bend r/D
  • Import Speed Increase
  • Better Defaults and Display for Imports
  • Improved Import of Pipe Materials
  • Display CAESAR II Node Names

Behind the Scenes Improvements

  • Graphing Optimizations
  • eLicense Access Improvements
  • Output Improvements
  • Timed Recovery File

AFT Impulse 10 Additional Features 

Other features to look forward to:

  • Counterweight Check Valve
  • Custom Junction Icons
  • Isometric Freeform Drawing
  • New Annotations
  • Set Workspace Print Area
  • Customize Graph From Workspace Options

Modeling Additions and Improvements

  • Zero-Length Connector Improvements
  • Distinguish User and AFT Fluids
  • Simpler Force Definitions
  • Specify RPM to Evaluate Pulsation Levels for, instead of only evaluated worst-case frequencies.
  • API 674 Limitations in PFA Module

New/Improved Output Parameters and Messages

  • Pump RPM Output Parameter
  • Vapor Volume Percent Output Parameter
  • Deep Laminar Caution
  • POR/AOR in Pump Summary
  • Events Messages in New Format
  • XTS Module Tank Overflow and Drain Warnings

Improved Importing of PCF, EPANET, GIS, and CAESAR II models

  • Import Bend r/D
  • Import Speed Increase
  • Better Defaults and Display for Imports
  • Improved Import of Pipe Materials
  • Display CAESAR II Node Names 

Behind the Scenes Improvements

  • Graphing Optimizations
  • eLicense Access Improvements
  • Output Improvements
  • Timed Recovery File 
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