AFT Fathom 13
Significant New Features

AFT Fathom 13 incorporates 28 new features
to make modeling liquid and low-velocity gases more efficient.

Workspace Layers

Customize and view model appearance, input data, and results - all in one place. Workspace Layers surpass the capabilities of the previous Visual Report feature. 

4-Component Slurries

The new 4-Component Slurry model offers a comprehensive and advanced approach to slurry modeling, enabling more accurate and detailed analysis of slurry behavior in various particle size distributions

Improved Valve Window

Clarifies and expands the available valve loss models, and makes it easier to define a valve characteristic, which can be critical for an accurate model. Clearly distinguish data sources such as User Specified, Characteristic, or Handbook, to understand the available options. 

Streamlined Design Alerts

Greatly simplified the Design Alert Manager to allow easier and faster specification of important design limits. The Design Alert Manager has been reorganized to improve the process of creating and applying user-defined alerts.

New Features Webinar 

While you may not immediately update your software to the newest version, here is a preview of the new features you can expect to see in AFT Fathom 13, Arrow 10, Impulse 10, and xStream 3. Learn about the bigger changes, as well as the enhancements that have been made which make the software even more user-friendly and intuitive.

Other features to look forward to

Custom Junction Icons

Utilize any image as a junction icon, simply by right-clicking on the Toolbox icon for the junction, selecting Add Image, and browsing to the image file. This functionality enables you to use standard P&ID icons or custom images to visually represent your equipment.

Isometric Freeform Drawing

Draw on the isometric grid without forcing any particular pipe routing. The Isometric drawing tools have been enhanced by adding a new Isometric Freeform drawing mode.

New Annotations

New shapes and line tool, along with a more advanced Annotation editing panel. New Annotation shapes and a line tool have been introduced to allow more flexible markup such as revision numbers or change requests.

Set Workspace Print Area

A new non-Newtonian viscosity model has been added to model power law fluids that have an apparent yield stress. (Fathom 12 and Impulse 9 only)

Customize Graph From Workspace Options

Did you know you can easily graph results from the Workspace by right-clicking on a Pipe or Junction? This functionality has existed for a long time, but it was previously limited to a predefined set of parameters. Now, you can specify what graph types you would like to see in these menus to simplify your analysis process.

Workspace Layers:
How to use them

A group of layers is like a stack of transparencies. Each layer displays specific, customizable information and together they combine to form the Workspace view for your model. This is concept is much like Adobe Photoshop. Layers determine the visibility of the objects in the Workspace, but all objects exist regardless of visibility for connectivity and calculation purposes. Creating, customizing, and toggling Workspace Layers gives you more control over viewing your data than ever before.

Modeling Additions and Improvements

  • Laminar Corrections Improvements - Laminar corrections are now off by default, messages indicate if they were applied or are recommended, and output parameters indicate the correction strength. 
  • Prevent Backflow at Sprays - New "No Inflow" Special Condition for Spray junctions.
  • Zero-Length Connector Improvements - Zero-Length Connectors now behave like standard pipes for most features, including selection and graphing tools.
  • Distinguish User and AFT Fluids - New category for user-defined fluids, making it easier to find custom entries.

New/Improved Output Parameters and Messages

  • Pump RPM Output Parameter - Report pump speed in RPM, in addition to percent.
  • Dimensionless Heat Transfer Output Parameters - Grashof, Nusselt, Prandtl, and Rayleigh Numbers have been added as Output parameters.
  • Deep Laminar Caution - Simple loss models do not account for exceptionally laminar flow, this new message provides a caution if you enter this range.
  • POR/AOR in Pump Summary - Show the values for Preferred and Allowed Operating Ranges in the Pump Summary.
  • Events Messages in New Format - Events are now shown in a cleaner, collapsible format similar to Warnings.
  • XTS Module Tank Overflow and Drain Warnings - New messages to clearly indicate if a Tank has overflowed or drained during the transient.

Improved Importing of PCF, EPANET, GIS, and CAESAR II models

  • Import Bend r/D - Import PCF bends with appropriate r/D
  • Import Speed Increase - Importing is up to 10x faster in some cases
  • Better Defaults and Display for Imports - Better defaults and display options for imported models.
  • Improved Import of Pipe Materials - Improved ability to link AFT pipe materials to imported pipes.
  • Display CAESAR II Node Names - Display imported CAESAR II node names as junction names.

Behind the Scenes Improvements

  • Graphing Optimizations - Significant improvements to backend graphing code, to provide additional stability now and more capabilities in the future.
  • eLicense Access Improvements - Added heartbeat functionality to eLicense, which improves security and the release of license seats not in use.
  • Output Improvements - Significant improvements to backend output code, to provide additional stability now and more capabilities in the future.
  • Timed Recovery File - Automatically generate a backup of your model that can be used to recover unsaved work in the event of unexpected application closure.

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