Download AFT Arrow 10

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Current Full Version
iconAFT Arrow 10 (179 MB)
Release: 2024.11.20

These software programs are copy protected. Only customers with a valid license will be able to run the software. By installing AFT software, you accept the terms of the Applied Flow Technology Software Terms and Conditions. For USB key assistance please see the USB Key Support page. 

AFT recommends using the newest release of each version. To check which version and release are currently being used, Open the application, Click Help, Click About AFT Application. 


AFT Arrow Add-On Modules

With these software extension tools, you can quickly and efficiently complete projects. 
Utilize your AFT Arrow add-on modules within any version of AFT Arrow.

Goal Seek and Control

Identifies input parameters that yield desired output values and simulates control functions

Extended Time Simulation

Define a wide range of operating conditions during a time simulation such as tank pressures, compressor speed variations, and more.

Automated Network Sizing

Evaluates the complex interaction of system variables to reveal combinations of cost savings

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