Case Studies

Title Product Industry Application
BEP Pump System Optimization Study of a Canola Oil System General Manufacturing 0

2024 - Stantec Resourcenet India was tasked with analyzing the estimated pump head, normal operating line velocities, and pressure analysis for a new canola oil processing system. The system consists of multiple pumps, atmospheric tanks, vacuum tanks, hydrodynamic reactors, heat exchangers, centrifugal separators, bleaching and basket filters, strainers, mixers, and control valves. See how the team used AFT Fathom to obtain results that were used to identify appropriate pumps for the final system which now refines approximately 100 m3 (26,000 gallons) of canola oil per hour.

Emissions Control System Energy Reduction with AFT Arrow Power Generation Fan Sizing

2024 - An emission control system was being redesigned by Orbital Engineering, Inc. to incorporate Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) fan systems to improve system efficiency due to rising process demands. When the system was constructed, one of its flow paths was intended to serve as a standby system. Increased process demands led to a secondary subsystem being used concurrently and fully utilizing maximum installed capacity at times. See how an AFT Arrow model was used to identify an optimized configuration to improve system power consumption by 25-30 percent. 

Pump Upgrades and Operating Modifications for Existing Chilled Water System General Manufacturing Cooling Water

2024 - Natraj Arjunan, L&T Technology, simulated an existing chilled water system to diagnose system issues and recommend design and operational improvements accordingly. Four identical cooling systems needed pump replacements, creating an opportunity for system improvements. The client did not expect any change to the pump specification or the system since the system had been running for 20+ years without any change in cooling requirements. See how an AFT Fathom model was calibrated to optimize the system and reduce energy.


AFT Fathom used to Model Central Heating Cycle of a State-of-the-art Combined Heat and Power Plant Power Generation District Heating & Cooling

2024 - ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi A.S. used AFT Fathom to simulate the central heating cycle to inform the design of the hydraulic thermal system for the Dradenau Combined Heat and Power Plant under construction in Hamburg, Germany. This state-of-the-art facility will produce 180 MW of electrical capacity and an additional 260 MW of district heating utilizing multiple heat sources including waste heat from industrial processes and a natural gas power plant. See how AFT Fathom was used to size pumps, heat exchangers, and control valves, validate line sizing, and ensure system piping was within design requirements.

Bingham Plastic Surge Analysis Informs Protections at Steel Facility General Manufacturing Waste Product Handling

2023 - Protton Synergy assessed pressure surge concerns in a thick paste disposal system. The paste is a by-product of a steel manufacturing process with Bingham plastic characteristics. The fluid’s non-Newtonian characteristic created uncertainty in applying traditional hand calculation approaches to evaluate maximum and minimum pressures during a transient event. See how the engineering team used AFT Impulse to accurately model the unique fluid and system across a range of transient events and generated unbalanced forces to export for stress analysis.

AFT Fathom Model Remedies Bottlenecks in Chemical Production Expansion Chemical & Petrochemical Hydrocarbon Processing

2023 - LyondellBasell performed a hydraulic study to evaluate a 28% chemical process production increase. The study would use a calibrated AFT Fathom model to evaluate the existing infrastructure’s capacity and identify bottlenecks to eliminate. See how the engineer used a pump and system approach to increase capacity, use of features, and use of the model to reveal faults in the physical system. 

Cooling Water Reliability Study Addresses Recurring Equipment Replacement, Saving Estimated $800K Annually Chemical & Petrochemical Cooling Water

2023 - Avinashkumar Karre, Principal Process Engineer with Worley, performed a reliability study on a problematic cooling water system. Due to flow imbalance, some consumers were unable to meet duty requirements which limited production. Other consumers received excess flow, resulting in high velocities with accompanying vibration and equipment erosion. See how AFT Fathom was used to find solutions that increased efficiency and decreased energy and maintenance costs. 

Seawater Cooling System Modifications Eliminate Pump to Save 5.5MW in Ultra Mega Power Plant Power Generation Cooling Water

2023 - Tata Consulting Engineers modeled a coal-fired Ultra Mega Power Plant cooling system to address poor pump operation while ensuring any modifications did not introduce waterhammer or surge concerns. See how an AFT Impulse model was calibrated and used to evaluate multiple cases in order to confirm adequate flow distribution, and transient pressure extremes, within five interconnected condenser units.

AFT Fathom Used to Identify and Address Slurry Deposition in Polymer Cooling System Chemical & Petrochemical Slurry

2023 - LyondellBasell performed a reliability study on a polymer slurry cooling system. The polymer slurry was used to maintain a stable temperature in a reactor, critical to maintaining product quality. This system had several reliability issues leading to downtime and associated maintenance costs to clean the piping. The existing system was unable to meet design requirements, potentially due to solids deposition not considered in the initial design. Read how AFT Fathom’s Settling Slurry (SSL) add-on module was used to identify and mitigate several slurry deposition areas. 

Reusable and Optimized Piping Saves Potash Mine $9.8M in Capital Expenses Mining & Metals Leaching

2023 - Caitlin Roos, a piping engineer with Hatch, was tasked with developing a model of a potash brine injection well mining system. Injection well mining pumps a solvent into porous rock formations to dissolve and extract mineral salts. The brine is then evaporated to isolate the mineral, in this case potash, which is typically used as fertilizer. Read how Roos used AFT Fathom model as a core design tool for the project to size pipes and equipment based on the exact mining schedule, measure experimental results, and estimate real-world results to reduce capital expenses by $9.8M.

LNG Loading Emergency Shutdown Research Project Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefied Natural Gas Transfer

2022 - An LNG terminal might have two to five loading arms for different purposes. In an emergency shutdown, flow through these arms must be suddenly halted by closing a sequence of valves, opening vent valves, and tripping transfer pumps. The sudden deceleration of flow results in pressure surge, potentially exceeding pipe design pressures and causing extreme pipe stress, further worsening an emergency. See how a research team at Lamar University evaluated the surge results from an LNG loading emergency shutdown.

AFT Arrow Ensures Proper Fan Sizing in Nitrogen Closed Loop General Facility Fan Sizing

2022 -  L&T Technology Services, was tasked with optimizing the fan hydraulics of a nitrogen closed loop in Frankfurt, Germany. The nitrogen loop is used to dry a slurry mixture, picking up process vapors and traces of solids in the process. By testing the selected fan across many different operating speeds, conditions, and requirements, engineers were able to develop a robust system approach to the engineering design without a massive manhour investment to analyze the complicated network.

AFT Impulse Confirms Data Center Surge Safety After Importing 1000+ Pipe HVAC Systems General Facility HVAC

2022 - Protton Synergy engineers were tasked with evaluating the surge potential of 9 HVAC circuits in an 11-story data center including chilled water, process water, condenser, condensate, and fuel oil circuits. Each system was made up of hundreds or thousands of pipes and junctions ranging from 2 to 60 inches (5 to 150 cm) in diameter. See why the Protton team credited AFT Impulse for its robust solver, which was able to converge nearly 3,000 pipes in a system without issue. 

AFT Impulse Study Reveals Flaws in Injection System Emergency Protection Methods Oil & Gas Ground Injection

2022 - Chris Bibby, of Wood PLC, assessed the water injection system of an offshore production platform expansion. The 4-pump system was flagged as an area of concern due to the long flowlines and high operating pressure of the injection system (more than 10,000 psi / 690 bar). See how he performed a transient analysis in AFT Impulse for pump start-up, controlled shutdown, emergency shutdown, and valve failure scenarios to determine if pressures or forces exceeded acceptable limits.

AFT Fathom Reveals Faulty Equipment in Hot Oil Network Energy Optimization Study General Manufacturing Power Generation

2022 - AFT Fathom helped engineers at Ingenero Technologies identify issues that plant data alone couldn’t reveal, which saved energy by eliminating unwanted resistance. A calibrated model allowed engineers to explore alternative proposals to meet the client’s design requirements while minimizing cost. See how AFT Fathom helped the team evaluate diverse scenarios to enhance flow with minimal hardware changes.

AFT Fathom Used to Minimize Pumping Cost for Cooling Water System Campus & Educational Facility Distribution Cooling Water

2021 - A large part of engineering is evaluating design tradeoffs. For example, in a pumping system, one pump option may be more efficient than others, but that efficiency often comes at larger initial cost. A less capital-intensive pump might be less efficient or have additional maintenance costs to consider. Similarly, system configurations have their own cost tradeoffs to consider. Designing only for minimum energy use or minimum initial cost is unlikely to find an optimal solution due to these tradeoffs. Instead, minimizing the combined initial capital costs and recurring energy and maintenance costs is essential for optimal pump selection and system configuration. See how Dr. Ricardo FF Pontes with the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) used AFT Fathom to explore pump and system configuration's impact on system cost.

Experimental Helium Cooling Loop for Nuclear Fusion Testing Modeled in AFT Arrow Nuclear Cooling Water

2021 - While nuclear fusion has not yet been proven as a self-sustaining source of energy, many efforts have been made to design its supporting systems in anticipation of its development. Vertex Piping Engineers was granted a project to engineer, fabricate, and commission an experimental helium cooling loop for ITER, the largest international research and engineering project to prove the viability of nuclear fusion. This cooling loop will be used to evaluate different components of the ITER project, including the Indian Test Blanket Module, fusion blanket wall mock-ups, Pb-Li heat exchangers, and other fusion blanket components. See how Vertex modeled the compressible helium system in AFT Arrow to determine its allowable operating conditions.

Dangerous Petrochemical Loading Surge Avoided with AFT Impulse Analysis Chemical & Petrochemical Pipeline

2021 -  Ingenero Technologies was tasked with analyzing a petrochemical transfer line issue causing a hazard during truck loading. Ingenero’s client experienced sudden pressure surge near the end of the truck loading process, generating pressures in excess of 13.2 barg (191 psig). Since a loading operation would occur once or twice per month, the client requested a root cause analysis on the pressure surge to determine a mitigation strategy. Read what recommendations were implemented to significantly reduce loading surge and avoid vibration and noise. 

AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow Guide Rocket Design at KETEMA: A Retrospective Aerospace Rocket Launch Facility

2021 - You don’t have to be a rocket engineer to use AFT Fathom or AFT Arrow... unless your job is rocket engineering. KETEMA designs systems for re-usable and expendable launch vehicles (ELV’s), today’s formal term for rockets. The design of fluid and thermal aspects of the ELV systems at KETEMA was the responsibility of Ichi Wakabayashi, Senior Mechanical Engineer. He chose AFT Fathom 2 and AFT Arrow 1 to help his group model the many fluid systems aboard an ELV. Read more about this case and see how AFT has evolved since it was first written in 1997. 

AFT Fathom Integral to Resolving Stormwater Flooding Issues, Provides Alternatives $25MM under Competitor Scope Water & Wastewater Water Distribution

2021 - Michael Arthur, with Hydrus Works, LLC, evaluated a failing stormwater system for a Gulf Coast refinery. While flooding mitigation was the primary concern, Hydrus Works was also providing a second opinion on a larger incumbent firm’s expensive recommendations. See how Hydrus Works’ use of AFT Fathom, and their unique data collection, allowed them to explore design alternatives which ultimately allowed the firm to shave 35% from the original proposed $70MM scope, a $25MM reduction while meeting client design requirements.

AFT Fathom Revealed and Resolved Capacity Limiting Issues in Petrochemical Cooling Water Network Chemical & Petrochemical Cooling Water

2021 - Ingenero Technologies engineers Santosh Kumar and Swapnil A Paingankar were tasked with analyzing a petrochemical cooling water system which was unable to meet system design requirements. Insufficient cooling water supply limited plant capacity, thus reducing the profitability of the plant. Read how the team performed their hydraulic analysis in AFT Fathom, revealing the shortcomings of the existing system and providing design alternatives to return to design capacity.

AFT Impulse Helps Resolve Overpressure Safety Issue By Modifying Subsea Valve Operations Oil & Gas Water Injection

2020 - Ross Haimes, Principal Engineer with Hatch, was tasked with performing a waterhammer analysis on a complex water injection system located offshore in Brazil. The system recycled produced water from the crude refinement process at a Floating Production Storage & Offloading facility (FPSO) to several well head platforms. See how Haimes was able to test many potential waterhammer scenarios to determine the actual peak pressure for the system.

AFT Impulse Helps Desalinization Plant Reduce Shutdowns and Save $175,000 Annually Water & Wastewater Desalination

2020 - Cristian Lira, Senior Consultant at Procure SPA, performed a root cause analysis of an existing Energy Recovery System (ERS) within a major desalination plant. The goal of the study was to recreate the ERS shutdown to determine the impact on the brine discharge pipeline. This would inform a proposed solution for constant, non-programmed shutdowns.

Booster Pump Sizing with AFT Impulse Avoids Contamination Issue at Tailings Facility and Matches Field Data Mining & Metals Pipeline

2020 - Rupesh Soni, a Senior Process Engineer for Stone Oil & Gas, was asked to design and size a new booster pump station on a plant site to increase peak pumping capacity from a Tailings Management Facility. To manage the overall water level at this facility, excess process water (such as tailings run‐off or rainwater) is pumped via a 14.6 km (9.1 mi) pipeline from the TMF to an ocean outfall diffuser. See how Soni used AFT Impulse to size booster pumps and analyze the pipeline for Maximum Allowable Operating Head (MAOH).

Wastewater Treatment Plant Resolves Downtime Issue and Saves Up To $600,000 with AFT Arrow Water & Wastewater Waste Product Handling

2020  - Brown and Caldwell was hired to design the reliability and process improvements project at a 64 million gallons per day (240,000 m3/day) wastewater treatment plant. As the largest wastewater treatment plant serving its surrounding area, this plant is the linchpin of the wastewater treatment system providing a backup to other neighboring plants in cases of heavy flows, construction related bypassing, or emergencies. See how Maren Deal used AFT Arrow for the design and planning of the upgrades to the plant’s aeration system, as well as for the optimization of the existing operation.


Crude Pipeline Surge Analysis uses AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse: Safety Issues Revealed and Resolved Oil & Gas Pipeline

2020 - Bernard Muller, Principal Process Engineer with MegChem, was asked to help a client with an upgrade to a tank farm where an existing pipeline transported crude from storage tanks to a refinery. As part of the upgrade, Motor Operated Valves (MOVs) were installed on the destination storage tank inlets to assist with overfill protection. The closure of these control valves could cause pressure surge. See how Muller used both AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse to determine pressures and learn what he found through utilizing software features and additional analysis. 

World War II Remnant: Nuclear Waste Transfer Lines Pressure Evaluation using AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse Nuclear Waste Product Handling

2019 - A one-mile (1.6 km) long piping system needed to be designed to transfer low-level radioactive waste generated during plutonium production for nuclear bombs used in World War II. The weapons production process left 56 million gallons (212 million liters) of solid and liquid radioactive wastes stored underground at Tank Farms facilities. It will be pumped to a Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) and transformed into a stable, glass product. See how ARES Corporation used AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse to determine the sustained and occasional internal pressures in the conceptual Waste Feed Delivery (WFD) system piping from the Tank Farm to the WTP Low Activity Waste (LAW) facility, as well as determine if the pressures were within the allowables of ASME B31.3.

Emissions Reduced at Commercial Power Plant Using AFT Arrow Power Generation Power Generation

2019 - These days power generation facilities have a primary goal: to adhere to regulations without significantly impacting costs and continuously supply power to the grid with their existing facility. Kiewit Engineering Group was hired to study an existing auxiliary steam system. Their customer wanted to determine if they reactivated an old glycol heating system to alleviate cold-weather acid precipitate, if existing header and steam letdowns were capable of supplying the glycol system in addition to other future users and current worst-case demands. See how Kiewit modeled the system with AFT Arrow to help their customer confidently make decisions.

Surge Pressures and Forces Reduced on Offshore Oil Platform Using AFT Impulse Oil & Gas Oil Export

2019 - Wood conducted a hydraulic transient analysis (waterhammer) of a crude-oil export system for a multinational oil and gas company. The system is located on a new production platform in the Gulf of Mexico and exports to a subsea pipeline network. The analysis was required to evaluate pressures surges and transient forces that can occur during a variety of operating scenarios. See how Wood used AFT Impulse to isometrically model a complex offshore piping system while also providing clarity on the location of particular issues. 

AFT Fathom Helps Reduce Power Consumption by 40% at Petrochemical Plant Chemical & Petrochemical Hydrocarbon Processing

2019 - Ingenero’s client requested an analysis of a hot oil network in a petrochemical facility to determine practical and cost-effective options to reduce power consumption and make the operation more energy efficient. The network used high pump discharge pressure and the pressure drops across certain control valves were excessively high. See how their AFT Fathom model helped them evaluate various configuration changes and make recommendations which optimized energy use with minimal system changes. 

Nuclear Fusion Project Successfully Completed with AFT Fathom Nuclear Cooling Water

2019 - Larsen & Toubro Construction (L&T) was responsible for Detailed Design, Engineering, Procurement and Supply of a large cooling water system for a nuclear fusion project being constructed in France. The project specifically focuses on the Component Cooling Water System, which supplies about 100 loops. See how L&T analyzed options to successfully meet client requirements and reduce pumping costs by 12%. 

Safety of Offshore Oil Rig Sea Water Injection System Validated With AFT Impulse Oil & Gas Ground Injection

2019 - Hatch worked with a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) committee to re-validate the design and operation of a production facility in the North Sea. The committee was asked to work in accordance with regulatory requirements to identify any safety critical issues and recommend appropriate actions. They identified a range of actions related to relief and blowdown, piping, and flow assurance. During the initial HAZOP study, it was noted a surge analysis had not been conducted for the water injection system and the committee deemed there was limited understanding of pressure surge protection. See how Hatch’s Daisy Ambach used AFT Impulse to simulate the system to analyze the pressure surge.

Significant Man-Hours Saved by Transitioning AFT Fathom Model to AFT Impulse to Analyze Surge Transients Oil & Gas Cooling Water

2018 - Loukas Papathanasiou, Process Manager for Fluor, utilized AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse to complete the design of a cooling water system and the analysis of that system’s surge transients. Using both software programs together gave him the ability to easily simulate, analyze, and troubleshoot the massive system. See how he used AFT Fathom to size the equipment and to model heat transfer to determine fluid temperatures; then used the AFT Fathom model to generate the AFT Impulse model which performed the surge analysis. 

Significant Man-Hours Saved by Transitioning AFT Fathom Model to AFT Impulse to Analyze Surge Transients Oil & Gas Cooling Water

2018 - Loukas Papathanasiou, Process Manager for Fluor, utilized AFT Fathom and AFT Impulse to complete the design of a cooling water system and the analysis of that system’s surge transients. Using both software programs together gave him the ability to easily simulate, analyze, and troubleshoot the massive system. See how he used AFT Fathom to size the equipment and to model heat transfer to determine fluid temperatures; then used the AFT Fathom model to generate the AFT Impulse model which performed the surge analysis. 

AFT Fathom Used to Enhance 40-Year Old Hand Calculations at Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Cooling Water

2018 - Energy Northwest used AFT Fathom to model of the Fuel Pool Cooling (FPC) system at their Columbia Generating Station. This model was built to enhance the original, hand-performed, 40-year-old calculations and was extensively baselined against the existing analysis with an average of 0.28% difference between the hand calculation and the AFT Fathom analysis. See how they used the Scenario Manager to model six operational configurations to show different suction modes where the suction source varies as well as different pump configurations.

Simulation of Transfer and Distribution of Thermally Hydrolyzed Sludge with AFT Fathom Water & Wastewater Waste Product Handling

2018 - Jacobs CH2M successfully used AFT Fathom to model and simulate the addition of a thermal hydrolysis system and five digesters to and existing wastewater plant in San Francisco, California, USA. The goal was to provide sizing calculations for the piping, pumps, and control valves for the digester feed and cooling system. Read how AFT Fathom was successfully used to model a system which processes and combines two sludges: a thermally hydrolyzed sludge (THS) which was diluted before being combined with a digester sludge (DS).

Digester Gas Unit Expansion Modeled with AFT Arrow Confirms Pressure and Flow Capacity Water & Wastewater Waste Product Handling

2018 - Brown and Caldwell was asked to model and analyze an anaerobic digester gas system to determine the pressurization effects of adding two additional digesters as part of the wastewater treatment plant expansion project. The analysis would help determine if the increased flow from the additional digesters would over-pressurize the existing digester gas system. Note: this is one section of a two-part case study. The additional case study is modeled with AFT Fathom. 

Digester Complex Heat Reservoir Recirculation System Hydraulic and Thermal Analysis Accomplished with AFT Fathom Water & Wastewater Absorber System

2018 - Brown and Caldwell was tasked with developing a system curve and pump design points for heat reservoir recirculation supply and return (HRS/HRR) loop pumps. This required not only a hydraulic calculation but also a coupled heat transfer analysis of the system. Knight included convective heat transfer on pipes to ambient.  Note: this is one section of a two-part case study. The additional case study is modeled with AFT Arrow.

AFT Arrow Model of Natural Gas Distribution System in Tanzania Helps Confirm Expansion Plans Oil & Gas Pipeline

2018 - When PanAfrican Energy Tanzania (PAET) had an acquisition on the horizon in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, they turned to AFT Arrow to help model and analyze a downstream piping network to assess gas deliverability for a network expansion.

AFT Impulse Matches Data For Pumping Station Check Valve Closure Water & Wastewater Water Distribution

2018 - Hydraulic engineers from AQUATEC (SUEZ Group) were tasked with performing a hydraulic analysis of a pumping station in Barcelona’s water network to determine the real impact of two different check valves on surge pressure and compare field data with model data obtained by using AFT Impulse. The performed analysis took place at the Tibidabo Pumping Station, which transfers water from 300 m (984 ft) above sea level, to 437 m (1,434 ft) above sea level. 

Ingenero Solves Pipe Failures in Mixed Bed Polishers Using AFT Impulse Chemical & Petrochemical Hot Water

2018 - Ingenero Technologies oversaw the root cause analysis (RCA) and remediation of a client’s existing resin mixed bed polishers (MBPs) in a Petrochemical facility which were used to treat condensate and demineralized water to make boiler feed water. Learn how Ingenero used AFT Impulse to successfully remedy a difficult project.

AFT Fathom Used to Determine Size and Cost of Condenser Water Distribution Pipes Commercial Building HVAC

2018 - Swanson Rink, Inc. was hired to design a new data center on the 29th floor of an existing high-rise data center in Los Angeles. Mechanical Engineer, Rory Heim, used AFT Fathom to determine the minimum size of the condenser water distribution pipes serving multiple data halls on the 29th floor.

AFT Fathom Improves Water Cooling System Reliability and Saves $200,000 Annually Oil & Gas Cooling Water

2018 - Flowserve used AFT Fathom to perform a cooling water study in order to identify the most economical scenario to run their cooling water pumps and provide a solution for the excessive erosion at the suction bell of an existing high-performing pump.

AFT Fathom Helps Flowserve Improve Reliability of a Chemical Plant Raw Brine Injection System Oil & Gas Ground Injection

2017 - Phil Sneeringer, Tier 1 reliability engineer at Flowserve Corporation, used AFT Fathom to perform a reliability study of a raw brine injection system. Prior to the study, there had been 41 repairs on the system within five years costing more than $1.23 million. Sneeringer submitted the project to AFT’s Platinum Pipe Award (PPA) contest and received an honorable mention for the Operational Benefits and Sustainability category.

AFT Fathom Validates Power Plant System Conversion Power Generation Cooling Water

2017 – Matt Thomas, senior engineer at Sargent & Lundy, used AFT Fathom and the Extended Time Simulation (XTS) module to model a circulating water system for a four-unit power plant. The project involved converting an existing open-loop circuit to a closed-loop system. Thomas submitted the project to AFT’s Platinum Pipe Award (PPA) contest and received an honorable mention for the Software Features and Model Creativity category.

AFT Impulse Creative Modeling Technique for Multiple Pump Trip Conditions Oil & Gas Pipeline

2017 - Jianmin (James) Yang, pipeline engineer at Access Pipeline, used AFT Impulse to model a crude oil terminal. The purpose of the model was to assess the overpressure risk during upset events, particularly pump trips. He built a creative sub-model to simultaneously model four different pump trip conditions.

AFT Fathom Instrumental in Reconfiguring Office Building HVAC System Commercial Building HVAC

2017 – Swanson Rink was tasked with increasing the airflow for the second floor remodel of a two-story office building. With the air handling units operating close to their maximum capacity, Rory Heim, mechanical engineer, used AFT Fathom to evaluate different strategies for satisfying the restricting design parameter. Heim submitted the project to AFT’s Platinum Pipe Award (PPA) contest and received the 2017 award for the Correlation to Test/Field Data category.

AFT Impulse Validates Flow Rate Increase at Liquefied Natural Gas Plant Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefied Natural Gas Transfer

2017 - CB&I was tasked with performing a hydraulic analysis of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant expansion. The plant was built by CB&I in 1999, and the owner recently requested an increase in the send-out rate to the pipeline.

University of Alabama Reduces Energy Usage – Saves $60,000 a Year Campus & Educational Facility Distribution HVAC

2017 - University of Alabama at Birmingham obtained an annual energy savings of $60,000 after Bernhard TME Engineering (TME) optimized the university’s district chilled water system. Brandon Smith, commissioning technician, and Wei Guo, energy engineer, at TME, used AFT Fathom to create a hydraulic model of the existing system. They ran simulations with the chilled water plants’ pumps in several different arrangements to determine the most efficient way to run the plants. Smith and Guo submitted the project to AFT’s Platinum Pipe Award (PPA) Contest and received the 2016 award for Operational Benefits and Sustainability category.

AFT Fathom Heat Transfer Capability Used in Power Plant HVAC System Power Generation HVAC

2015 - Agnieszka Markwica, engineer at Energoprojekt Katowice in Poland, used AFT Fathom to create a model using piping system data including technical documentation of all relevant fittings and instruments for a newly designed heat exchanger plant. Marwica submitted the project to AFT’s Platinum Pipe Award (PPA) contest and received an honorable mention in the Software Features and Model Creativity category.

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