AFT Viewers

Free viewers to help AFT users communicate models and analysis data with others.

Share your AFT software models and analysis
data by using a complimentary viewer.

AFT provides these free viewers to open and view the results of a model that has previously been run in the full version of the application. When the viewer is installed, co-workers or customers will be able to view files when they don't have the full AFT license that was used to create the files.

Viewers do come with limitations:

  • The model cannot be edited, changed, or run in the viewer.
  • Graphs can only be displayed from a previously created Graph List Item.
  • Please make sure the person sending you the model to view has run the model to produce output, saved the model in the form needed, and sends you the appropriate files (including the .out files).
  • PFA Module Limitations: Due to licensing restrictions of 3rd party tools, Frequency graphs and the Pulsation Summary are unavailable. All other results and Graph List Items are still supported.
AFT cannot guarantee later versions of applications will work with earlier versions of the viewer. AFT offers viewers as a courtesy to our users, not as an obligation. As such, the viewer does not necessarily reflect the latest version of our applications.
AFT Fathom
(includes XTS, SSL, GSC and ANS add-on modules)

AFT Fathom 13 Viewer (90 MB)
AFT Fathom 12 Viewer (75 MB)
AFT Arrow
AFT Arrow 10 Viewer (100 MB)
(includes GSC, XTS, and ANS add-on modules)

AFT Arrow 8 Viewer (83 MB)
(includes GSC & ANS add-on modules)
AFT Impulse     
AFT Impulse 10 Viewer (78 MB)
(includes SSL module, PFA module has limitations)

AFT Impulse 8 Viewer (97 MB)
(includes SSL module)
AFT xStream   
AFT xStream 3 Viewer (97.6 MB)
(PFA module has limitations)
Powerful Features


Import GIS Shapefiles, CAESAR II Neutral files and Piping Component Files (PCF) as well as import / export EPANET files


Excel Export Manager can automatically export data during a batch of scenarios. Data can be exported to specific cells.


"Test Drive" operating conditions and scenarios to determine sizes, pressures, temperatures, etc... to fix or upgrade systems


Accurately simulate individual system components interaction prior to building to ensure cost-effective & efficient designs
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