Enter your project(s)
in any of these categories:

Most Interesting Model

Show us how AFT software allowed you to model a project. Could encompass a model that is particularly interesting, uses features in a creative way, an interesting use of a module, or even a model with an interesting backstory.

Correlation to Test/Field Data

Did your hydraulic model and field data match well? Did you compare a real system to one modeled in AFT software?

Operational Benefits or Sustainability

Did your hydraulic model significantly change the way operations are performed and save time, energy, material or money? Was the reliability of your system increased? Were there environmental benefits from the study?

The Annual AFT Platinum Pipe Award recognizes excellence inpipingductingsystem modeling

Awards & Prizes

$500 For you*

The individual submitting the winning entry in each category will be awarded a $500 Amazon.com gift certificate. If your company prohibits you from receiving cash prizes, you may opt to have your prize money donated to a charity of your choice.

$1,000 For your company

A $1,000 AFT credit shall be awarded to the owner of the software used by the winner in each category. This credit may be applied to AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream, and their modules.

Free Promotion

AFT will announce your winning entry and notify your company of the award so they may recognize you as well. AFT will develop a case study that will be published in a variety of publications to share your engineering talent as well as promote the quality project your company engages in.

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