This page is for current AFT users who are upgrading their software to the latest version. With every new version, AFT seeks to make engineers more productive while designing safe, efficient, and reliable systems. Our development philosophy balances User Workflow, Enhanced Capabilities, and Backend Improvements.

Upgrade your AFT License:

  1. Download the current version 
  2. Install the .exe as an administrator.
    • The latest version will be installed alongside previous versions - you will still have access to earlier versions.
  3. When prompted, enter your 9 or 10 digit license number (XXXXX-XXXXX) along with your name and organization.
    • If you have an Add-on Module license, no additional steps are required – it is automatically installed with your primary product.
    • Complete the installation.
  4. Launch your upgraded software!
    • If you have active copy protection (an eLicense or USB Key), it will start right away.
      • Copy protection for active SUM subscribers has been automatically upgraded.
    • If it did not start, you may need to follow the appropriate instructions:

Additional Resources: 

New Features Webinar 

While you may not immediately update your software to the newest version, here is a preview of the new features you can expect to see in AFT Fathom 13, Arrow 10, Impulse 10, and xStream 3. Learn about the bigger changes, as well as the enhancements that have been made which make the software even more user-friendly and intuitive.
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