AFT xStream Quick Start Video Series
The AFT xStream Quick Start Video Tutorial Series contains five short videos to help new users understand the minimal level of knowledge required
to be able to understand the basics of the interface, build models and define input, run the models, and to analyze the results.

Status Light, Analysis Setup, and Blue Highlighting

(4:24) Video 1 of 6 demonstrates how AFT xStream users can determine the model status using the Status Light, check for undefined groups using Analysis Setup, and use Blue Highlighting to easily locate required input fields.

Fluid Properties

(3:41) Video 2 of 6 - In this video, AFT xStream users will learn how to define fluid properties in their AFT xStream models.

Building a Model

(7:23) Video 3 of 6 - In this video, AFT xStream users will learn how to build a model in AFT xStream.


Defining Sectioning & Transient Control

(4:14) Video 4 of 6 - In this video, AFT xStream users will learn to properly section pipes and learn about transient control in AFT xStream.

Run Model and View Results

(5:53) Video 5 of 6 - In this video, AFT xStream users will learn run a model and view the results in AFT xStream.

Making Graphs

(5:02) Video 6 of 6 - In this video, AFT xStream users will learn how to make graphs in AFT xStream.

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