AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Safety In Nuclear Power Steam Piping Part II: Some Background on Engineer Evans Goodling

Evans Goodling? An engineer? Who is that? Until last month I had almost no idea. The ASME 2022 PVP conference in Las Vegas last month changed that. There I met someone who knows Goodling personally and worked with him in ASME for many years. He gave me some background on how Goodling came up with his steam hammer load prediction method. Which is wh...

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  1183 Hits

Steam Piping in Nuclear Power Plants Is Not As Safe As Commonly Believed

As if we all need something else to worry about, right? But I am afraid it is true. The concern stems from how fast steam acoustic waves steepen as they transmit through a system. This steepening causes transient forces on the steam piping much higher than conventional methods predict. When I was beta testing AFT's latest software product, AFT xStr...

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  1447 Hits

For Geeks Only – Solving Transient Compressible Flow Equations

Be forewarned that today I am going into full on geek mode and talk about equations for transient compressible flow. These equations are in the form of hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs'). If that did not scare you away yet, then you may be as much of a geek as I am! With some fancy mathematics, three PDE's can be converted into six o...

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  2793 Hits

Is there steam on your (Microsoft) Windows? How ASME Steam Tables came to be.

In the modern world there are many things we take for granted – especially in first-world countries. Among them are the reliable availability of water and electricity. To our homes. To our workplaces. Just about everywhere. Engineers also take things for granted. One of those is reliable data on the properties of steam and water. But it was not alw...

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