I recently had the opportunity to travel to one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world – Easter Island or Rapa Nui in the native tongue. The nearest inhabited island (of only 50 residents) is 1,289 miles (2,075 km) away. Santiago, Chile, is 2,337 miles (3,761 km) away – slightly less than the distance between New York City and Los Angeles. The history of the people who have inhabited the island for more than a thousand years is interesting, and serves as a reminder to us on several levels. The island is famous for the large statues called moai....
Use of software on nuclear safety systems requires a higher level of validation than normal industrial systems. AFT Arrow has been validated for such use on nuclear safety systems. This means that modeling of steam and other gas systems in safety related work can now be performed with AFT Arrow.
Several generations of engineers ago engineers realized that performing calculations on gas flow is a lot more difficult than for liquids. As a result, the bulk of what is gas flow engineering history has revolved around how to treat gases as liquids. Another large portion of history is how to simplify gas flow equations down to simple isothermal relationships. In other words, the majority of gas flow engineering historically is about how to take short cuts with gas flow calculations.
During the 2010 World Cup I happened to be touring Spain and Italy with my family. I was in Spain for a week during the early rounds before anyone had any idea that Spain would emerge as the eventual winner. I watched one of the games at a Spanish family's house (who were personal friends in Barcelona) while we were visiting for dinner. By the time I got to Italy the Italian team was on the verge of elimination and the locals I talked to were quite deflated about that development.
AFT's team of engineering software developers, technical support engineers and trainers are engaged on a daily basis with our customers all around the world to help them successfully apply our software products. That, in addition to industry experience before joining AFT, means we have a lot of experience in fluid transfer system engineering. Now our fluid transfer system experience is available to you through the new AFT Flow Expert Package™. With the Flow Expert Package you will be assigned a dedicated fluid systems expert also experienced in AFT software to help you and your team solve issues with your fluid systems...
Applied Flow Technology has been an innovator and industry leader since its founding in 1994. AFT Fathom™ was the first of its kind – a graphical, drag-and-drop platform for modeling pipe system hydraulics.
One of my favorite lines from the movie Apollo 13 was when an engineer exclaimed, “Power is everything!”. Nothing happens without power. Power, the rate at which energy is used, underlies everything in modern society.
Trends in energy economics are impacting industries and entire nations. Some recent articles about European chemical production and refining illustrate this.