AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

The Powerful Yet Frail Human Mind: Reality, Cognitive Biases, and Collective Hallucinations

Every once in awhile I read a book that really influences me. One such book is The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis (author of several other books that have been made into major Hollywood films – including The Blind Side and The Big Short). The Undoing Project discusses the insightful and innovative work of psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Am...

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Powerful Tools for Power Generation

Establishing and maintaining an electrical grid is a monumental task spanning many professions and disciplines. Fluid dynamics plays an important role in nearly any method of power generation. Between ensuring safety, reliable production of power, and minimizing operational costs, there are countless ways that modeling fluid flow can offer improvements.

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What Do the New AFT Impulse 7 and Bordeaux, France Have in Common?

I think this is the third monthly blog article I have written this year from an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean. Truly I do not save my monthly blogs for airplanes. I am really busy most all the time these days. Being on an international flight means having a long, forced time disconnected from the Internet and more free time than normal to write....

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A Trillion Dollar Waterhammer Problem? Oh My!

An article published this month in the AWWA Opflow trade magazine relates that America has a trillion dollar problem with our municipal water distribution system due to pipe failures. This information is old news to the water industry. What is novel about this article is that it suggests the issue is largely caused by waterhammer (see Stop Costly W...

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Turning Negative Experiences Into New Directions

Twenty-five years ago I did something I thought I would never do. My job at the time had become pretty bumpy and I was not happy. With hard work and good luck, I turned that negative experience into a new direction for me personally and professionally. That new direction involved starting a whole new company. On September 14, 1993. So, I have been ...

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Not a Leak! Modeling Multi-stage Pumps with Discharge Flow Between Stages

 AFT Fathom has long included the ability to model multi-stage pumps by representing them with an overall effective pump curve. New in AFT Fathom 10 is the ability to model "Interstage Bleed" or "Takeoff Flow" in these multi-stage pumps.

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Did you know that New Jersey is a barrier in Spain?

It is true. New Jersey is a barrier in Spain. I saw it with my own eyes. Bear with me and I will explain.

When I travel internationally I find the people, cultural and language differences fascinating. Last month I was fascinated once again. My blog last month was written while on an airplane as I travelled to Europe (see my July blog When Pipe Stress Analysis Meets Waterhammer Hydraulics: New Waterhammer Guidelines for Engineers). Before going to the ASME PVP conference in Prague (check out this video one of our staff made) I stopped in Spain for 4 days. While there I was fortunate to visit the location of an AFT Impulse project by one of our customers that was a Platinum Pipe Award Winner this year. This case study was published in April. See AFT Impulse™ Matches Data For Pumping Station Check Valve Closure. That pump station photo in the case study is where I visited. Below is a photo of me and the PPA winner David Lozano Solé of AQUATEC – SUEZ Group. For those interested, this project is being presented as a technical paper by David at the 2018 Pressure Surges Conference in Bordeax, France in November. I will be there to help and also present two other papers of my own. So where does New Jersey come into this?

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