This past week I and Jeff Olsen, AFT’s V.P. of Technology, attended the annual conference of the Hydraulic Institute. The Hydraulic Institute (HI) was founded in 1917 and is America’s premiere pump organization. At this year’s meeting HI held a centennial celebration.
This week I was in Las Vegas at the 2016 MINExpo. AFT had a booth at the show and I hoped to publish this during the show and call it a "live" report. Alas I did not get it completed and the show ended yesterday. Hence it is "almost" live.
There are two good reasons you should care that Applied Flow Technology is celebrating it's 20th anniversary this year.
Well, it turns out lots of people. My first experience with "funny fluids" was in graduate school. One of my fluids professors had recently completed his doctoral thesis on funny fluids also known as non-Newtonian fluids. I got to see some of his graduate students do some crazy experiments with polymer additives to otherwise boring Newtonian fluids.