It's time again for that discussion. Which discussion, you ask? I am talking about the discussion regarding the onward march of technology, automation and job creation and destruction. If international observers are mystified by President Trump, know you are in good company because he also mystifies many Americans. But he represents a trend that is not just American as seen by the Brexit vote and similar "national interest first" thinking in other parts of Europe and the world.
A large concern in America is the perceived decline of manufacturing in the USA. An article last month in Mechanical Engineering magazine "The State of American Manufacturing 2018" brings up some complicated issues that got me thinking.
So, let's start at the beginning.
I am not a political commentator. But anyone not living in a cave has to admit that the past year of American politics was just plain wacky. For those of you for whom English is not your first language, "wacky" is a word that basically means (by my personal definition) "strange, highly unusual and a bit crazy". Which also applies to Donald Trump.
A few months ago I attended a CEO forum in Colorado where a big topic on the minds of the 1000 CEOs in attendance was the state and direction of the US and global economy. The keynote speaker Brian Beaulieu began his presentation with this assessment of the economy from TIME magazine: