Viewing Output Across Multiple Scenarios

Posted in AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow

AFT Arrow 4.0 and AFT Fathom 7.0 offer the ability to view text output across multiple scenarios simultaneously, greatly facilitating seeing the differences in results between scenarios.

To view multiple scenario output, open Output Control either from the Analysis menu or, when the Output window is active, by clicking the toolbar button, and then selecting the Multi-Scenario tab.

Under Display Type select Selected Scenarios and click the Select Scenarios button to open the Select Scenarios window. Select the scenarios you want to see output for and click OK to return to Output Control where the selected scenarios will now appear in the Scenario Order and Colors list.

Various options are now available to configure multi-scenario output including the order in which the scenarios will appear and to select a background color for individual scenario's output.

You may also choose to show only the scenario name for each set of output or the full scenario name plus the names of its ancestral scenarios.

After configuring multi-scenario output click OK to close Output Control. Depending on how you have run your model previously, you may not immediately see output for all of the selected scenarios.

To minimize file requirements AFT Arrow and AFT Fathom will normally store output in the model file. To display multi-scenario output, output files must be created (.out files). The first time you select multi-scenario output you may not initially see output for all files because the output files have not yet been generated. To do so, re-run the various scenarios by either individually loading and running them or by using the Start Batch Run option on the File menu.

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