AFT Impulse Demo

Visualize. Understand. Solve. An international leading software to simulate, analyze and mitigate waterhammer / surge in piping systems

Allows engineers to determine the exact point of the waterhammer transient so you can prevent issues and proactively design your piping system

Waterhammer is when flow in a piping system is suddenly forced to stop or change direction. It can cause the system to rock, bounce, or break from the pressure surge. There can also be a loud sound as the momentum changes and the wave knocks against the valves and continuously changes direction within the pipe. Waterhammer/surge are serious concerns in all piping systems and AFT Impulse can help you identify the issues and create effective solutions. 

Why AFT Impulse?
  • Evaluate how valves, pumps and other components will dynamically interact with each other during a surge event
  • Quickly determine the forces generated by transient pressures to help you design your pipe support
  • Find out if you complying with ASME B31.3 requirements for occasional loads
  • Understand the impact that cavitation can have on your piping system
  • Ensure you have the right surge suppression equipment to mitigate potentially catastrophic effects of waterhammer/surge and other undesirable system transients like check valve and relief valve chatter
  • Use AFT's Global Editing feature to massively edit multiple pieces of information at the same time
  • Use AFT's Scenario Manager to handle all the different cases a pipe system might encounter in a single model
  • Jump start your models by importing your steady-state model, neutral files, piping component files, or EPANET files. 
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Powerful Features


Import GIS Shapefiles, CAESAR II Neutral files and Piping Component Files (PCF) as well as import / export EPANET files


Excel Export Manager can automatically export data during a batch of scenarios. Data can be exported to specific cells.


"Test Drive" operating conditions and scenarios to determine sizes, pressures, temperatures, etc... to fix or upgrade systems


Accurately simulate individual system components interaction prior to building to ensure cost-effective & efficient designs
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