LNG Cryogenic Pipeline Case Study

Check For a Bumpy Ride

April 15, 2021 -- Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA -- The April 2021 issue of LNG Industry magazine features a case study from Applied Flow Technology highlighting an LNG Cryogenic Pipeline. Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I) was asked to perform a hydraulic analysis of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant expansion. The owner requested an increase in the send-out rate to the pipeline. 

From the article:

When performing a hydraulic analysis of a plant expansion, more than just checking that the new flow requirements are met, other elements such as the safety of the plant must be considered. In this article a case study is described, where additional elements were included in the hydraulic analysis such as: maximum surge pressure, transient forces and dynamic stresses created by a valve closure. The results helped address the plant operator’s main concern that the pressure surges due to the level control valves closure did not create a hazardous condition.

While this case focused on cryogenic LNG, these considerations are essential to safe operation in all hydraulic systems, regardless of the danger of their fluid.


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(Page 32 digital / 30 print)

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