AFT Application Topics
Orifices and Nozzles
Orifices and nozzles are common pieces of equipment in hydraulics systems. Orifices are most commonly used as flow measurement devices, as well to control the flow. Nozzles are used to control the direction or characteristics of the fluid flow, especially to increase the velocity.
AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, and AFT Impulse all allow users to model both orifices and nozzles with any type of geometry (note that AFT Impulse does not have an orifice-specific junction, but it can be modeled with a general component). The overall irrecoverable pressure drop across the orifice and nozzle is calculated in the AFT software. This pressure drop can be used to determine what the differential pressure across the orifice or nozzle should be according to ASME MFC-3M-2004.
Product Tip – Calculating Flow Through an Orifice Using ASME MFC-3M-1989 and Irrecoverable Pressure Drop Equations