Mining Industry

AFT in the Mining Industry

Dewatering, Ventilation, Slurry 

From prospecting to reclamation, a mine faces a lot of regulation and scrutiny which can tighten its margins. These of course compound with threats of equipment failure from tailings, dewatering, or leaching, all delaying production. AFT software can model your system to remedy design concerns before they occur.

AFT In Action

Booster Pump Sizing with AFT Impulse Avoids Contamination Issue at Tailings Facility and Matches Field Data

Company: Stone Oil & Gas

Problem:  A tailings management facility needed a higher flowrate to regulate the  collection pond liquid level. During cyclones and the rainy season, increasing pond levels can contaminate the environment.

Product Used: AFT Impulse was used to calibrate the pipeline model to within 1% accuracy of measured values. The calibrated model informed booster pump sizing and performance.

Solution: Stone Oil & Gas was able to properly size a booster pump to prevent tailings pond overflow and avoid contamination. A booster station in the middle of the pipeline improved peak flowrate by nearly 20%. Concerns regarding the increased flow velocity and surge were mitigated.

Mine Dewatering System
Design Validated Using
AFT Fathom

Company: Blenray Pty Ltd

Problem: Modification of a  mine dewatering system with special attention to pump NPSH margin, to accommodate the large pressure drop from unusually small pipes.

Product Used: AFT Fathom was used to model different pump and system configurations. Pump VFD features allowed the engineers to meet suction and discharge pressure control criteria.

Solution: Blenray was able to confirm multiple configurations of a pipeline/skid pump system to mitigate NPSH concerns. The system was designed to allow for frequent reconfiguration, as needed by the client, and has had years of successful operation.

High Accuracy Modeling of
Copper Mine Pipeline System
Using AFT Fathom

Company: Southern Peru Copper

Problem: Acid leaching involves the use of a sulfuric acid solution to extract copper from ore. The extraction process was to be improved by evaluating alternate system configurations and improved pump efficiency.

Product Used: An AFT Fathom model was created and calibrated, analyzing the system’s pumping stations over 7 km (4.65 mi). Results matched field data to within 1% across 14 different tests.

Solution: Alterntative designs to improve the copper leaching process were confirmed. The calibrated model saved time during analysis and provided clear pressure and flow results. Testing of design alternatives was streamlined using the baseline model.


"Test Drive" operating conditions and scenarios to determine sizes, pressures, temperatures, etc... to fix or upgrade systems


Accurately simulate component-system interactions prior to construction to ensure cost-effective and efficient designs


Avoid redundant model building by importing GIS, PCF, EPANET, or CAESAR II Neutral files


Automate data transfer with the Excel Export Manager, organizing your model's results exactly how you want them

Determine the Optimal System

Pump performance, BEP, fluid transients, force calculations,  
detect sonic choking, and so much more...
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Quickly Build Models You Need

Excel integration, automatically size systems, model importing ... and 17
other features that help engineers efficiently analyze their system.
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Reports & Presentations

Report-ready graphics, animations, and confirming code compliance are just a few reasons to invest in quality flow analysis software.
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