AFT Fathom XTS and AFT Impulse have long been able to start events like pump trips or valve closures when a certain condition is met in the system. For example, a valve can close when a tank is full, or a pump can trip when the flow is too low. However, complex systems often have multiple conditions that can cause an event. The pump may trip when the flow is too low OR the suction pressure is too low. The valve may only close when two tanks are full. AFT Fathom version 10 and AFT Impulse version 7 enhance the transient capabilities to allow the definition of these complex Multi-Condition Events.
One of the many powerful features in AFT Impulse is the ability to calculate transient forces during a waterhammer/surge event (See "Evaluating Dynamic Loads in Piping Systems Caused by Waterhammer" white paper). The resulting transient forces can be exported into a pipe stress analysis software. Pipe stress analysis care about what the trans...
1. Guarantee the system will work according to design2. Understand complex system interactions3. Ensure design requirements are still met in different operating cases4. Evaluate system dynamics of surge and non-surge related transient operation5. Easily plan for future expansions and system modifications6. Empower clients to better understand their...
To all of the engineers reading this article, we made it! Whew! Reading a three-part series is like running a marathon. Way to go! If you are new to this series, we encourage you to read this article as well as the previous two: Part 1: Six Reasons to Use a Flow Analysis and Part 2: Flow Analysis Is Neglected. In this article are six reasons e...
We hope you enjoyed our previous article on the Top 6 Reasons Your Design Should Include Flow Analysis. But now… let's get a bit serious and talk about three main reasons why flow analysis is neglected during the design process. It could be straight neglect, or unconscious neglect. Either way we will open the conversation and provide some insi...
Establishing and maintaining an electrical grid is a monumental task spanning many professions and disciplines. Fluid dynamics plays an important role in nearly any method of power generation. Between ensuring safety, reliable production of power, and minimizing operational costs, there are countless ways that modeling fluid flow can offer improvements.
AFT Fathom has long included the ability to model multi-stage pumps by representing them with an overall effective pump curve. New in AFT Fathom 10 is the ability to model "Interstage Bleed" or "Takeoff Flow" in these multi-stage pumps.