Multi-Scenario Output

Posted in AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse

Viewing the output from multiple scenarios in the same window can be a valuable and time saving tool! You must have output available for each of the scenarios you would like review. One way to do this is by executing a batch run:

  1. Select “Start Batch Run…” from the file menu.
  2. Click “Add Scenarios” and select which scenarios you would like to include in your multi-scenario output.
  3. Click “Start Run” and sit back while each of the scenarios is run.

In order to view output from multiple scenarios in the same window, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the Output window of one of the scenarios you would like to include in your multi-scenario output
  2. Select “Output Control…” from the Analysis menu.
  3. Browse to the “Multi-Scenario” tab on the far right of the Output Control window.
  4. Change the Display Type to “Selected Scenarios” and pick which scenarios you would like to include in your multiple scenario output.
  5. Optionally, you can assign a different background color for each scenario.
  6. Click “OK” and the output from each of the selected scenarios will be displayed on one screen!

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