Viewing the output from multiple scenarios in the same window can be a valuable and time saving tool! You must have output available for each of the scenarios you would like review. One way to do this is by executing a batch run:
- Select “Start Batch Run…” from the file menu.
- Click “Add Scenarios” and select which scenarios you would like to include in your multi-scenario output.
- Click “Start Run” and sit back while each of the scenarios is run.
In order to view output from multiple scenarios in the same window, follow these steps:
- Browse to the Output window of one of the scenarios you would like to include in your multi-scenario output
- Select “Output Control…” from the Analysis menu.
- Browse to the “Multi-Scenario” tab on the far right of the Output Control window.
- Change the Display Type to “Selected Scenarios” and pick which scenarios you would like to include in your multiple scenario output.
- Optionally, you can assign a different background color for each scenario.
- Click “OK” and the output from each of the selected scenarios will be displayed on one screen!

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