AFT xStream & Pulsation
Frequency Analysis Demonstration

Simulate transient events and pulsation in your steam and gas systems.

AFT xStream is the only commercially available software tool to simulate high-speed, acoustic transients and Pulsation in steam and gas piping systems on the market.

AFT xStream's techniques are unique to AFT and allows engineers to solve the most difficult steam and gas systems that no other software can solve. An extremely robust software, AFT xStream is known for being able to model systems using real gases.

Why AFT xStream?
  • Accurately simulate high-speed transients in steam and gas piping systems including choked flow conditions
  • Evaluate overall system response and transient pipe forces after steam and gas turbine trips
  • Predict transient supply pressures, temperatures and flows to operating gas compressors and turbines when one trips offline
  • Simulate tank blowdowns and charging, and how long it takes to reach desired pressures
  • Predict transient pressures and flows due to heat exchanger tube ruptures
  • Easily change system input data including transient valve positions, compressor operation, control set points, pressures, temperatures and more
  • Initiate transients based on time or events in the system
Please complete the form below and an AFT representative will contact you to schedule a time to demonstrate the software and answer specific questions you may have. 

Once you have met with an AFT representative, you may be eligible to receive an evaluation license to test the application on your own.
Powerful Features


Import GIS Shapefiles, CAESAR II Neutral files and Piping Component Files (PCF) as well as import / export EPANET files


Excel Export Manager can automatically export data during a batch of scenarios. Data can be exported to specific cells.


"Test Drive" operating conditions and scenarios to determine sizes, pressures, temperatures, etc... to fix or upgrade systems


Accurately simulate individual system components interaction prior to building to ensure cost-effective & efficient designs
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