AFT Fathom Historical New Features
New Features - Fathom
Originally developed in 1996, AFT Fathom is the leading flow analysis software engineers use to model their system for hydraulic flow analysis. With each new version comes new features. See the progression of features here.
Fathom 12
- Streamline your setup from the new Analysis Setup menu, a user-friendly workflow condensing multiple model-wide specification windows into 1
- The Library Manager (previously the Database Manager) has been completely revised and now offers a consolidated way to use and customize libraries of fluids, pipe materials, junctions, etc.
- Warnings, errors and Design Alerts shown in the Output are now color coded and organized in a prioritized list for quick review
- Visually analyze alternatives with Multi-Scenario Graphing, comparing profile graphs from multiple scenarios on a single plot
- Learn the ropes or sharpen the saw with the NEW online Help System, centralizing documentation and examples from your browser
- Customize the display names for engineering units of measure to accommodate language or notation differences
- Convert Shear Rheometer data for Power Law and Bingham Plastic viscosity models with a helpful visual guide
- Apply the Herschel-Bulkley viscosity model for shear thinning or thickening fluids with a yield stress
- Model component-to-component connections with the new Junction Connector pipe option
- Contextually update Junction Special Conditions directly from the toolbar
- Reset Pipes and Junctions as ‘Same as Parent Scenario’ during specification from the Workspace menu
- Spot concerns by reporting Warnings, Cautions and Design Alerts for each scenario in Multi-Scenario Output
- Save time with enhanced Output window data loading speed
- New Pump as Turbine (PAT) pump option to model turbine losses and power recovery
- Intuitively define submerged pumps using surface pressure and depth
- AFT Fathom XTS module: Specify a valve transient as open percent vs. time
- Batch runs of multiple scenarios now report the number of Warnings and Design Alerts in each scenario
- Run batch runs “silently” in the background to minimize interruptions as each scenario completes
- Search for text in Pipe and Junction Notes, useful for component specifications or intended operating conditions
- Junctions which changed states during a run will be reported to the user, indicating check valve closures and control valve failures for example
- Consider Heat Transfer parameters in the context of the system from Visual Report
Fathom 11
Significant New Features
- Data can be compared between multiple scenarios to show changes made
- Multi-level undo and redo on the Workspace
- Cross-plotting of Pump vs. System curves across multiple operating scenarios
- All Summary Output parameters can now be displayed on the Visual Report
- Improved intelligence on when a model needs to be saved to preserve the output
- Improved model loading speed
- Improved language refresh speed
- New and updated themes
- Magnifier tool to quickly view objects on the Workspace
- Allow pipe/junction editing while the Undefined Items panel is shown
- Double-click on a junction on the Toolbox to add multiple to the Workspace (similar to pipes)
- Ability to draw pipes off the grid when in isometric mode
- Junction icons automatically rotate to align with pipes
- Select shortest path between two junctions
Visual Report
- Visual Report Control has been redesigned
- Convert intermediate pipe elevations to new pipes and branch junctions
- Pipes can be joined together to form a single pipe
- Heat tracing now allows the entry of power/length and number of turns
- More intelligent Tee/Wye junction during input and Workspace movements
- Built-in K values for bends with r/D between 0.5 and 1
- Notes can be added to cells in the Output tables
- Output Control parameters can be filtered by typing part of the parameter name
- The thermal conductivity used in the heat transfer calculations is now displayed
Global Edit
- Revised to improve usability
- A pipe or junction can be selected as the base data to apply to other pipes or junctions
- Notes can be globally edited on junctions
- Ability to import custom Fittings & Losses from a comma-separated file
- Design Alerts and can saved to and loaded from a comma-separated file
- New Diagnostics window to help identify special features or options being used in the scenario
Fathom 10
General interface
- Set defaults for your general unit system, language, pipe material and other preferences in the Startup Control window
- Import data from Excel using keywords
- Use Excel to make changes to multiple scenarios at once
- Load large models faster than before
- Add additional rows to the data tables (like Cv vs. Open Percent, etc.)
Model Import
- Import from a CAESAR II neutral file
- Import from a Piping Component File (.pcf)
- Import or export a EPANET file
Excel Export
- Export output using the new Excel Export Manager
- Export single values, columns, rows or entire output tables
- Export data from a Graph List item
- Define specific starting cells and target worksheets
- Ability to include headers and units
- Automatically export data after the model is run or during a batch run of scenarios
Standards and Codes
- Ensure code and standard compliance through new output area
- Standard references are updated to current versions where applicable
- Draw using an isometric grid
- Differentiate between scenario generation through additional background color options
- Alter background opacity levels to make annotations stand out
- Zoom and pan with new keyboard shortcuts
- Draw attention to pipes with fittings & losses through symbols
- Automatically calculate free and forced external heat transfer coefficients for air and water
- Calculate buried pipe heat transfer
- Model trace heating on the pipe surface
- Enter intermediate pipe elevations as length from the pipe beginning
- Added many EN and DIN pipe standards to the available pipe materials
- Increased ability to select pipe materials in the Database Manager
- Enter data more easily on the Pump Property window for rotodynamic (centrifugal) and positive displacement pumps
- Link pumps to simulate a pump with an intermediate pressure extraction flow
- Define a relief valve effective orifice based on API 526
- Calculate acceleration head loss for positive displacement pumps
- Enter the Preferred Operating Range (POR) and Allowable Operating Range (AOR) for a pump and display it in the Pump vs. System Curve
- Set Power or Efficiency as the default for pump curves
- Set default for Always Control Never Fail on Control Valves
- Gives a cautionary message if flow is outside of resistance curve range
- Export data to specific cells within Excel
- Create Design Alerts by simply right-clicking on cell or column header to create a Design Alert, add to the Excel Export Manager, copy data, find on the Workspace, sort and change units
- Identify Design Alerts through highlights on the transient pipe, junction and summary tables
- Added additional heat transfer parameters
Model Data
- Create more accurate models through additional parameters such as insulation thickness
- Find any object on the Workspace by right-clicking a pipe or junction
Visual Report
- Toggle between image and data options in a user-friendly interface
- Includes a new extensive fluid database NIST REFPROP which supports pure fluids and mixtures
- Multi-condition event logic allows an event to be started based on logical conditions using ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘not’
- New Event Manager allows events to be created, named and then used at many junctions at the same time
Fathom 9
- General interface
- Improved tab interface and enhanced Quick Access Panel functionality
- Improved search includes pipe and junction notes, names and numbers
- Output reports in German and Chinese languages
- Files are automatically locked when opened to prevent multiple users from accidently opening the same file
- Global edit select all items within a section
- Graph results
- Multiple Graphs Sets can be added to Graph Groups for easy generation and display
- Multiple graph tabs on main Graph tab
- Multiple graphs tiled on same Graph Group tab
- Easy formatting of titles, axis labels, and plot lines
- Plot series lines can be turned on/off for quick inspection
- Graph controls now located on the Quick Access Panel for easy graph definition and changes
- Junction location shown on profile plots
- Annotations can be placed on graphs
- Scenario Manager
- Scenario manager shows which scenarios have output
- Ability to create child scenarios without results saving duplication and load time
- Workspace
- New paste preview mode allows the pipes and junctions to be placed desired and will indicate interference with existing objects on the Workspace
- GIS shape files can be imported to create a model
- Text alignment options in annotations
- Annotations can be layered on the Workspace
- Output
- Results Diagrams which graphically show data for pipe heat transfer and pumps
- Default colors for multi-scenario output
- Support for NFPA output reporting
- Visual Report
- Automatic Color Map generation
- Pipes
- Design Alerts are specified and named globally and applied to pipes
- New Design Alerts available
- Junctions
- Improved Relief Valve specification
- Improved clarity for data entry in the Reservoir/Tank Property window
- Submerged pumps
- When the speed is set for a pump, both the original and modified pump curves are shown on the Pump Property window
- New Weir junction
- Design Alerts can be applied to junctions
- Solver
- 3-K method for laminar flow through fittings
- Equivalent Length option available for pipes, valves and bends
- Modules
- Pipes now have GSC variables available such as roughness, design factor, insulation thickness, Reynolds number
- New and improved searching method for multi-variable goal seeking – useful for model calibration
- Variables and goals can be reordered
- New goals and variables added
- General interface
Fathom 8
- Completely redesigned user interface with tabbed window access and new transparent icons
- Robust support for dual monitors
- New Startup panel allows user to choose engineering unit system (U.S./metric) and specify default fluid
- Improved printing features includes use of company logo, user comments and titles, as well as graphical borders on all printouts
- New Quick Access Panel includes access to Scenario Manager
- New mapping feature flyout allows birds-eye view of model and navigation
- Improved navigation speed for large models with thousands of pipes and junctions
- Annotations capability great improved now allows user's images to be inserted into the annotation
- Fittings and losses can now have user "Favorites" which allows for much faster navigation to frequently used fittings
- New Pipe Material Databases based directly on international pipe standards
- Handle varying ambient pressure with elevation allows for better understanding of gage pressure on submerged pipes at different depths
- New Adjusted Turbulent K factor method allows for improved support of laminar pressure drop in fittings and valves
- Non-settling slurry features accepts raw rheological data and generation of non-Newtonian constants as well as new raw data Scale-up model
- Reliability factors for pumps estimates relative impact on pump reliability of pump speed, impeller size and off-BEP operation
Fathom 7
- Pipe data can be modified through an Excel file
- New pump viscosity correction method utilizing ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2004 method
- Enhanced pump system curve generation offers enhanced calculation of system curves for parallel pump systems, enhanced composite pump curves for systems with different pumps in parallel, inclusion of single pump curves on same graph as composite pump curve, and inclusion of pump efficiency curve for single and multiple pump systems
- Display multiple instances of the same Output parameter with different units
- Pipe submergence reporting in accordance with Hydraulic Institute Standard 9.8.7
- New SSL module to calculate settling slurry flow
Full List:
- Pipe parameters, in addition to junctions, can be changed using Excel file import
- New pump viscosity correction method utilizing ANSI/HI 9.6.7-2004 method
- A graph of the pipe intermediate elevations can be shown in the Specifications Window
- Select special on pipe material added
- Fixed heat rate added as a pipe heat transfer model
- Pipe submergence (in accordance with ANSI/HI 9.8.7) and submergence margin design alerts added
- A graph of the Open Percentage, Cv, and Flow Area can be shown in the specification windows for Valves, Control Valves, and Three-Way Valves.
- Open Percentage vs. Cv data was made available for Pressure Drop Control Valves.
- Improved orifice pressure drop model
- Last selection on the Workspace can be reselected
- Junction and pipe numbers can be incremented automatically as a group
- Global junction editing menu item added based on Workspace selection
- New orthogonal drawing guide
Model Data
- The raw data for curve fits can be shown for the junctions.
- Intermediate pipe elevations can be shown.
- Display multiple instances of the same parameter with different units
- Output Control parameter selection improved and made uniform
- Output Control parameter units are selected next to the parameter in the grid
- Output window allows double-clicking column header to see parameter definition
- Added pipe submergence in accordance with ANSI/HI Standard 9.8.7 added along with submergence margin and depth displayed & pipe submergence and submergence margin design alerts added
- Pump NPSH margin ratio added to available Pump Summary output parameters
- Pipe volume added as a new output parameter
Graph Results
- Enhanced pump system curve generation offers enhanced calculation of system curves for parallel pump systems, enhanced composite pump curves for systems with different pumps in parallel, inclusion of single pump curves on same graph as composite pump curve, and inclusion of pump efficiency curve for single and multiple pump systems
- Curve fit configuration window parameter and unit selection features improved
- INI and user files are now saved in the User folder on the system rather than in the Windows directory.
Fathom 6
- New XTS module can model transient behavior over time including tank filling/draining
- New GSC module can automatically have parameters vary to meet specified goals
- ASME Water/Steam properties added
- Can view output for multiple scenarios in Output at same time
- Selected scenarios can be run automatically in batch mode
- All printing can go directly to a PDF file
- Junction data can be modified through an Excel file
- Pipes can have intermediate elevations
- Pipe wall scaling and effect on diameter reduction can be modeled
- Pump impeller size can be varied and pump curve adjusted automatically
- New relief valve model dP vs. Cv for passive relief valves
- New heat exchanger pressure loss model with tubes and blockage
- New Three-Way Valve junction added
- New Renumber Wizard added
- Annotation Manager added to allow selective display of annotations on Workspace and Visual Report
- Can calculate pump energy usage and cost
- Cost data for initial costs for all equipment can be calculated
Fathom 5
- Grid can be displayed on Workspace
- Pipes can be displayed in visual segments to allow for easier routing of pipe connections
- Significant improvements to pump vs. system curve generation
- Ability to save graphs for fast recall
- New ability to add annotations to Workspace and Visual Report
- New option to directly input data for rectangular ducts
- Enhanced heat transfer modeling including detailed pipe wall and insulation heat transfer
- Solver results are saved with the model so that when a model is opened at a later time results can be displayed immediately
- Ability to create named groups of pipes and junctions for easier data selection and reporting
- An image or photo can be loaded into the background of the Workspace and a model can be built on the image
- New morphing feature allows one junction to be morphed into another using drag-and-drop
- New report in Output window Pipe section that relates detailed heat transfer information
Fathom 4
- New Scenario Manager to keep variants of a model saved in a single file in a parent-child relationship of any number of levels
- New Chempak thermophysical database offers over 600 fluids which can be used as pure fluids or user defined mixtures
- Enhanced pump features include efficiency and power usage, and multiple configurations depicting different impeller sizes and rotational speeds
- Ability to model controlled flow or pressure on pumps using VFDs or other speed control devices
- Non-newtonian fluid modeling using Power Law and Bingham Plastic models
- User configurable choice of which engineering units are displayed in drop down unit selections
- User selected preferences for each individual type of engineering unit
- User specified design factors for pipes and junctions
- Special Output window summary reports for pumps, valves and heat exchangers
- New Database Manager to ease creation of databases and to allow selective access to data
Fathom 3
- Solves flow and energy distribution in general pipe networks
- Close valves and shut off pumps
- Variable fluid properties in system
- Heat transfer modeling in pipes and heat exchangers
- Handles branches, loops and open or closed systems
- Assumes incompressible, steady-state flow
- Maximum 2000 pipes, 2000 junctions
- Built in pressure losses for almost 400 components
- Newton-Raphson matrix solution method is fast and reliable
- Models multiple pumps in systems
- Models variable speed pumps, including discharge control
- Models viscosity corrections to pump curves
- Models pressure and flow control valves
- English and SI Units supported
- Automatic calculation of friction factors using Colebrook-White correlation
- Pulp and paper friction models
- Standard loss models for expansions, contractions, tees, wyes, elbows, valves, orifices and screens
- Built-in correlations to dynamically calculate loss factors for tees and wyes
- Automatic generation of initial guesses
- Drag-and-drop modeling from customizable palette of pipe system components
- Flexible choices for engineering units
- Full user database support for all components, including private and shared databases
- User specified fluids and pipe materials
- Customizable output
- Export results top spreadsheet ready formats
- Print preview for all printing
- Full-featured Windows graph preparation
- Integrate results with pipe system schematic
- Comprehensive, context-sensitive Windows Help system
- Bill of materials preparation
- Batch mode run options
Fathom 2
- Solves flow distribution in general pipe networks
- Variable fluid properties in system
- Handles branching, looping, and open or closed systems
- Assumes incompressible, steady-state flow
- Built in hydraulic losses for 400 fittings
- Maximum 1000 pipes, 315 junctions
- Newton-Raphson matrix solution method is fast and reliable
- Modeling of multiple pumps in system
- Modeling of PRV’s, PSV’s and FCV’s
- Built-in correlations to calculate loss factors for tees
- English and SI Units supports
- Darcy-Weisbach and Hazen-Williams friction models
- Automatic calculation of friction factors
- Automatic generation of initial guesses
- Standard loss models for expansions, contractions, tees, wyes, elbows, valves, orifices and screens
- Drag-and-drop modeling from on-screen palette
- Full-featured Windows graph preparation
- Integrate results with pipe system schematic
- Flexible choices for engineering units
- Customizable output
- Export results to spreadsheet ready format
- Rotation and customization of all junction icons
- Print Preview for all printing
- Detailed Pipe Reports
- Snap to grid and align features
- Comprehensive Windows Help system
- Full custom database support for all components
- Local and network custom databases
- User specified fluids and pipe materials
- Bill of Materials preparation
- Batch mode run option