Colorado Love

AFT Supports Colorado Shooting Victims

April 2, 2021 – Colorado Springs, CO, USA – When you live less than two hours away from a mass casualty, it’s never easy to digest the situation. You ask, “why did this happen,” or,” how was it not prevented,” and then as you adjust to the reality, the question becomes, “what can I do to help.”

Colorado-based Applied Flow Technology (AFT) was shocked and devastated to learn of the mass shooting that took place in Boulder, Colorado on March 22, 2021 at a local grocery store. It is a high-traffic, common location that many Coloradoans have been to.

AFT announced they have made a large donation to the Colorado Healing Fund. This fund assists local communities with the financial, emotional, and physical needs of victims of mass tragedies that occur in the state of Colorado.

AFT President, Trey Walters says, “I and AFT appreciate and value our public safety officials – we live and visit these same places, and understand this could have happened to any of us.”

AFT is choosing to support Colorado in the aftermath of this situation because it deeply impacts our state, and it is a small way we can show our support to our state and the victims affected. Several AFT employees either went to school at the University of Colorado Boulder (commonly known as CU) or sent children to school at CU. Walters himself frequently visits the University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering where he meets with student organizations and is a common guest lecture in the classroom.

If you would like to make a similar donation, visit Colorado Healing Fund.

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