=== AFT Impulse Version 10 (2025.01.09) (Build 1119) === --- Changes that may affect engineering conclusions --- 1. Fixed an issue with Tees/Wyes using the Detailed Loss Model where the Design Factor was not being applied properly. 2. The Design Factor was not correctly applied to the Spray junction which caused Artificial Transients. 3. Changes to Laminar Correction Application in Analysis Setup would not reflect in Model Data General section until the model was reloaded or Model Data Control was modified. Now the information is updated as soon as Analysis Setup is closed. 4. Fixed a problem where a flow imbalance warning could be incorrectly displayed when a branch source/sink transient is used. This was only a display problem - the results are correct. 5. Added clarification in Output Control that the Cv values shown in the output are not adjusted for design factors. 6. Fixed a minor issue where changing a pipe or junction's Name or Number would not immediately reflect on the Workspace until another display-altering action was taken. --- Important non-engineering changes --- 1. Added the capability to resize the background image in individual scenarios. 2. Movements to the Annotation Line will now be captured in Undo. 3. Fixed an issue where deleting the highest number junction would cause the next junction dragged onto the Workspace to duplicate Layer styling from that deleted junction. 4. Fixed an issue where using the Merge feature would cause merged objects to be invisible on all Layers initially, and could not be made visible on the All Objects Layer. 5. Fixed an issue where PCF models with objects that have very large (in the billions or larger) X, Y, or Z coordinate values could cause an arithmetic overflow exception during import. 6. Fixed an issue where Previous, Next, Done, and Cancel buttons were missing from the Workspace Layers Import Assistant window. 7. Fixed an issue where using the "Join Pipes/Junctions" feature with a large model was very slow and could quickly cause an OutOfMemoryException. 8. Improved the Force CSV file import to handle different force types in the same file. 9. Right-clicking the Number column on Transient Max/Min Output grids now shows a context menu. Tooltip showing basic properties was moved to middle mouse button. --- Miscellaneous changes --- 1. SSL: Fixed a minor display issue in Analysis Setup Carrier Fluid section while using Advanced Chempak Fluid Library. 2. Added logic to prompt model save for more actions involving annotation edits. 3. Fixed an issue where AFT Impulse and AFT xStream models loaded into AFT Fathom or AFT Arrow that had Color Map layers defined with transient output parameters could cause unit conversion errors due to incorrect conversion of those Color Map layers. 4. Graph Results: removed the colored border when Copying Graph as Image. 5. Fixed a minor bug where Scenario Comparison grid would be re-evaluated on closing the Scenario Comparison Tool, if the Difference Visibility Mode had been changed since entering the tool. 6. Improved Analysis Setup startup location logic to be better compatible with smaller screens. 7. Select Shortest Paths will now ask to try the opposite direction if the first ordered junction pair fails to find a path in the given flow direction. 8. Improved Workspace Search function user experience. 9. Model Diagnostics: prevent a unit conversion error when Zero-Length-Connector Pipes are evaluated. 10. Model Diagnostics: prevent a unit conversion error when Fluid Vapor Pressure specified in 'psig'. 11. Model Data Junction grid scroll position no longer resets after opening Junction Property Window by double-clicking the grid. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2024.11.20) (Build 1118) === --- Changes that may affect engineering conclusions --- 1. Fixed issue where Pump would say that 4Q Pump Selection was disabled and not provide reasons why. 2. Fixed a problem where artificial transients would be caused when a model with an Air Valve and no initial gas mass was rerun. 3. Fixed a problem where pipes would become frictionless when changed from a Zero Length Connector. 4. Fixed a rare issue where a force set could incorrectly show a force offset due to differences in determination of cumulative length at an interface and solver level. In some cases, this difference could cause one end of a force set's elevation to be interpreted as zero, resulting in a false hydrostatic term. 5. Changed the pump summary to report dP = 0 and dH = 0 for submerged pump that are off with flow though and with a difference in inlet and outlet elevations. --- Important non-engineering changes --- 1. Fixed error when using "Load All User Defaults" in User Options. 2. Fixed a problem reading in older releases of Impulse 9 if they had a Critical Error message about a pump curve not closing out the first quadrant. 3. Fixed an issue with automatic conversions when selecting units for valve equivalent lengths. 4. Added the capability to resize the background image in individual scenarios. 5. Fixed an issue where hitting the Escape key after drawing a pipe in multi-pipe drawing mode over a rectangular Annotation would cause that Annotation to be removed. 6. Fixed issue for Turbine junction form where a transient consistency check was stopping the user from entering input, stopping the junction from being fully defined. 7. Improved response speed when changing from Transient to Steady from menu. 8. Removed the requirement that if a Force Set was defined with stations other than the inlet or outlet that these intermediate stations were saved to the output file. 9. Optimized sectioning calculations for analysis setup sectioning tab. 10. Fixed a problem when bringing in Branches which have a Special Condition of Closed from Fathom into Impulse which does not allow Special Conditions. The Special Conditions will now be cleared. 11. Fixed a problem where the background image would not propagate to child scenarios. 12. Fixed issue with unexpected errors when using workspace search bar. 13. Fixed an issue where copy-pasting multiple Annotations could include previous Workspace locations in the Paste Preview incorrectly. 14. Fixed issue where closed graph icons would display incorrect colors in graph list. 15. Added parameters to Excel Import Workbook. --- Miscellaneous changes --- 1. Model files which had been saved with at least one annotation, in which at least one of those annotations that had been previously saved was later deleted, after which the model was saved again, and model reopened would cause an error for each of the deleted annotations while reading the model file. 2. Fixed an issue that caused the 'Show Full Scenario Path' checkbox in Graph Results legend formatting not to take effect when the graph had not yet been added as a Graph List Item. 3. Updated text in license expiration message. 4. Fixed a graph scaling issue with Not a Number results (such as infinite K factor for zero loss). 5. Updated messaging when opening models from outdated versions. 6. Fixed issue where Library Manager form would collapse upon closing the Edit Cost Library form. 7. Changed name of frame in User Options > General > Visual Options to "Quick Access Panel" instead of "Scenario Panel". 8. Removed a minor visual artifact affecting the Fluid Phase frame while using ASME Steam Fluid Type in Analysis Setup. 9. Increased width of "Valve Subtype" dropdown for Handbook Valves to better show available subtypes. 10. Fixed issue where graph formatting flyout would close when resizing the application. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2024.08.12) (Build 1116) === --- Changes that affect results --- 1. Fixed multiple problems when using a Point forces in conjunction with a Ambient Pressure table. 2. Fixed a problem that was converting Valve resistence curves to a K factor when a scenario is reloaded. --- Changes that affect interface --- 1. Fixed an issue where splitting a Zero Length Connector pipe would cause an elevation of NaN to be calculated for the new junction. This could cause an overflow exception when manipulating workspace objects later on. 2. Fixed an issue where using "Split Pipe At Intermediate Elevations" would cause an non-real pipe to be created and not perform the split properly. 3. Fixed several problem with the right-click on the Force Summary output table. 4. Fixed an issue for Four Quadrant Pumps where the Runout Flow as entered in Curve Configuration was not applied to the Four Quadrant graphs when they were drawn within the Property Form. 5. Made it so that deleting a scenario will remove that scenario from saved Graph List Items. 6. Fixed an issue that caused Plot Formatting to load incorrectly for Multi-Scenario Graph List Items. 7. Fixed a problem when using an infinite reservoir with a transient that is relative (a percent) to the steady state. This would likely cause an artificial transient until the reservoir was opened and OK was clicked. This needed to be done each time the scenario was loaded. 8. Fixed an problem that would cause Annotation Text Alignment properties to not be retained when reloading Graph List Items. 9. Fixed an issue where changing the "Background Picture Scaling" value in User Options -> Workspace -> Other was not properly scaling the background image. 10. Expanded the Pipe Material Library to include Specific Heat and Modulus of Elasticity. --- Other changes --- 1. Fixed an issue where SSL models would not apply scenario inheritance correctly for Fluids using the Wasp-Durand Slurry Method. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2024.06.04) (Build 1114) === --- Changes that affect results --- 1. There was problem where the maximum and minimum forces were not reset between runs. This would result in these values being used from one scenario to the next and could give erroneously high forces for a given scenario. 2. Fixed issue where positive displacement pump transient data specified in RPM vs time was being treated as percent speed vs time in decimal units. 3. Fixed issue where downward sloped pipes would report the horizontal maximum settling velocity for the 4-Component Slurry method in the output. 4. If a Check Valve were defined from Non-dimensional performance data while in a closed leg, a Deceleration Out Of Range error could occur, which is not the case. This was fixed. 5. Fixed an issue where transient friction calculations could be incorrect when time varying friction models were used in combination with user defined pipe sizes. --- Changes that affect interface --- 1. Fixed a problem when a pipe was deleted that was used in a Force Set, the Force Set was deleted even if the pipe existed in other scenarios. 2. Fixed an issue where resizing an annotation could sometimes cause a System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException. 3. Fixed an issue that allowed cavitation model settings to be changed without causing Output to be cleared while using the PFA Module. --- Other changes --- None. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2024.05.01) (Build 1113) === --- Changes that affect results --- 1. Added the ability to view partial (steady-state) output when an artificial transient occurs. 2. Fixed a problem with graphing Volumetric Flow Rate when cavitation was modeled but the fluid did not have vapor pressure. 3. Improved steady state convergence for pumps in parallel with four quadrant curves using BEP as the DRP. 4. Fixed issue where changes to Wasp-Durand options on Slurry Definition panel did not clear output when the Analysis Setup Window is closed. 5. Fixed a problem displaying the steady-state end of curve warning. 6. Fixed issue where non-water based slurries could deviate from expected results. 7. Fixed an issue that caused Gas Accumulator 'Gas Vol. / Total Tank Vol.' parameter to not be plotted when Max/Min Gas Volume was not entered in the corresponding Junction Property Window. The plot uses the geometry data to determine Total Gas Volume, so preventing the plot in that case was in error. --- Changes that affect interface --- 1. Limited the number of multi-scenario output to 250 scenarios to avoid file and display errors. 2. Fixed being unable to cancel Batch Runs. 3. Improved visualization of Design Alerts when graphed in Profile plots. 4. Fixed an issue where pipes would not show in the Overview Map at close zoom levels. 5. Updated Printer Page Layout and Print Area Preview on the Workspace to have more clear behavior and options. 6. Added junction numbers to the Edit->Select Shortest Path menu labels for clarity. 8. Added the capability to start a valve at 0% open when using the Characteristic data. 9. Fixed issue where auto arranged tees failed arrangement for Miller flow combining or Miller flow splitting tees. 10. Fixed time remaining estimate not being reasonable when starting from a checkpoint. 11. Fixed an issue that caused Undo to not operate correctly for Annotations. --- Other changes --- 1. Fixed an issue that caused just the first graph in stacked graph configurations to be saved to a file by using the File->Save Graph As... dialog. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2024.02.22) (Build 1110) === --- Changes that affect results --- 1. Fixed a problem with graphing pump speed if there is a speed transient applied with a standard pump curve in some cases. 2. Updated a warning to inform users when slurry flow is likely to form a stationary bed in certain pipes. 3. Modified messaging for Laminar or Non-Newtonian flow. Now, messages will be generated for any pipe in the Laminar range, rather than indicating anything about apparent correction strength. 4. Fixed an issue where a tank overflow warning could be wrongly shown for Finite Open Tank junctions. 5. Caution added for Vapor Volumes between 0.1% and 10% of a pipe section's vapor volume. "Pipe force calculations are not reliable" warning adjusted to appear if cavitation for Vapor Volumes is greater than 0.1% of a pipe section's vapor volume. 6. Fixed an issue where User Library fluids would not report a warning if they dropped below their defined minimum temperature during a Run. 7. Fixed an issue that reported Transient Junction plots in Graph Results parameters Best Efficiency Point with units of Ft3/Sec and Four Quadrant Angle with units of Degrees regardless of unit selection. --- Changes that affect interface --- 1. The frame on the Pipe Properties window, Optional tab, for the number of parallel pipes was being hidden by other controls. Moved the frame so it can be seen. 2. Fixed a problem when pasting in values to the Intermediate Pipe Elevation table the final point-to-point value was not updated which could double the length of the pipe. 3. Profile Plot titles will now display the first and last pipe numbers of the selected path, rather than the lowest and highest overall pipe numbers. 4. Fixed an issue that could cause Pressure Profile graphs to fail when at least one pipe in the flow path selection had Intermediate elevations and the scenario was reloaded after running. 5. Fixed an issue that allowed Profile Plots to be generated in cases where the required information was not selected to be saved in Output Stations. 6. Fixed an issue where selecting pipes with user-specified Output Stations on the Workspace could cause the program to become unresponsive. 7. Fixed a problem during a batch run where the results would not be saved to a text file when this option was selected. 8. Fixed an issue where opening a Gas Accumulator property window would turn off the User Preference for required parameter highlighting. 9. Limited the number of multi-scenario output to 250 scenarios to avoid file and display errors. --- Other changes --- 1. Fixed an issue where changing Scenarios while the Recovery File or Auto-Save was running could cause corruption of some model/object data. 2. Fixed an issue where SSL models would not apply scenario inheritance correctly. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2023.12.20) (Build 1104) === --- Changes that affect results --- 1. Fixed issue where control valves set to Fully Open - Never Control in stagnant regions were not transferring the pressure from one stagnant pipe to the other. 2. Fixed an issue where using two different user defined fluids in the same pipe material would result in the same steady-state hydraulic results being calculated for those pipes. 3. When plotting the Cv or Kv over time for Control Valves there was an issue when the valve lost control and failed open because the data written to the .out file showed -1, the signal for this failure. Now the plots will not show any value and will be discontinuous. 4. Fixed an issue where the 4-Component Model referenced the Wilson Addie Clift stratification ratio when it should be set to 1 instead. 5. Fixed an issue that caused calculated Fluid Properties to be incorrect when the Environmental Properties were changed. 6. Fixed an issue where a Surge Tank with no specified tank height could still give an overflow warning. 7. Fixed issue where pipes with Circular Tunnel (Unlined) pipe supports were using the pipe modulus of elasticity as the rock modulus of rigidity. This pipe support option now requires rock modulus of rigidity as input. 8. Fixed an issue where an internal transient solver failure could cause another error that crashed the application. Now, these types of errors will fail to converge as expected and delete the output without additional failures. --- Changes that affect interface --- 1. Fixed an issue where User Default font settings in Global Layer Settings were not being saved or loaded properly in languages where a comma is used as the decimal mark. 2. Added more robust error handling for file manipulation errors commonly encountered in Library Browser. 3. Fixed an issue that caused recorded animations to not prompt for a save location. 4. Fixed an issue where Impulse occasionally could not section the pipes if the 4-Component or Wasp-Durand slurry models were used. 5. Fixed an issue where a valve specified with "From Characteristic" loss source and "Open Percentage" transient data was not correctly checking steady values against initial transient values. 6. Made error reporting improvements in Graph Results Multi-Scenario graphs. 7. Fixed being unable to cancel Batch Runs. 8. Added import of junction image sizes and pipe thickness to Workspace Layers Import. 9. Improved performance when a large number of objects are deleted from the workspace or bulk modified in Analysis Setup. 10. Fixed an issue that caused Layer Label Control Parameter Lists to load incorrectly while using certain language translation files. 11. Fixed an issue with EPAnet export that caused models with Exit Relief Valves to fail the export. 12. Fixed an issue when choosing the "Handbook" Loss Source option for Valves sometimes throwing an IndexOutOfRangeException. 13. Fixed an issue where global editing pipes to be zero length connectors could cause issues sectioning the model. 14. Fixed an issue that caused Select Working Fluid in the Startup Form to fail when a Chempak fluid was selected. 15. Fixed an issue that caused multi-parameter graphs with Elevation, EGL, or HGL selected as the first parameter to be combined for inappropriate secondary variables. 16. Pump transient data was not being cleared correctly when loading a library junction. --- Other changes --- 1. Fixed a problem causing the Warning and Design Alerts to not be exported when using the Preformatted option. 2. Update the descriptor for Stainless Steel Tubing, 1-3/4 from 14 BWG to 16 BWG to match wall thickness value. This would not change the engineering data but may cause some pipes to become undefined if models are using this. === AFT Impulse Version 10 (2023.10.23) (Build 1100) === --- Initial Release ---